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Research and learning from the experts is a crucial aid in helping to keep your horse fit, healthy and happy.
The digital age has helped make it a quick click away to call up an abudance of articles and expert studies which will assist in learning about a myriad of issues associated with horses.
With help and advice so readily available, there is a lot for the horse owner to digest.
We suggest the following links to stories and studies will provide you with a valuable insight into the health of your equine friend.
Each article will open in a new window for easy viewing. When finished just close the window and you will return to his page.
Colic - A Hind Gut Issue: How we feed directly impacts the equine digestive system. Horses require constant supply of forage to keep their digestive systems working properly.
Feeding to Prevent Colic: The majority of your horse's diet should be forage, not concentrates like sweet feed and processed feeds.
Equine Colonic Ulcers: Understanding the horse's digestive system means understanding the significance of the hind gut.
Laminitis/Founder: Removing laminitic horses from pasture during the day and turning them out for grazing overnight will help minimize their intake of these water-soluble carbohyrdates.
Dental Care: Don't forget to check your horse's teeth for even wear, infection and more.
What is Laminitis? What causes it and what can you do to prevent it?
Gastric Ulcers in Horses: Horses evolved to graze, eating many small meals frequently. This way, the stomach is rarely empty and the stomach acid has less of a damaging effect. If horses and foals do not eat frequently the acid builds up and ulcers are more likely to develop.
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